Posted tagged ‘Vacationing’

Conservative Group Attacks Vacationing Obama

August 21, 2009

ABC News? Rick Klein reports: A leading conservative group that?s opposing President Obama?s health care plan is meeting the Obama family at the beach.

Conservatives for Patients Rights is launching a new ad that will air on television in Boston and on Martha?s Vineyard next week, tweaking the president for taking time away from Washington in the middle of the national debate over health care.

?The beach is nice this time of year. But while President Obama vacations, concerns mount about his health care plan,? the voice-over says, according to a copy of the ad provided to ABC News. ?Mr. President — when you go back to DC, drop your government-run public option plan. Let?s get on with real reform to lower costs, and protect patients? rights.?

The ad says Obama?s plans ?could lead to government-run health care? and ?lead to higher taxes on everything from paychecks to soda,? and would ?add a trillion to the deficit.?

An official associated with the conservative group said more than $150,000 will be spent on the ads, bringing the group?s total ad spending in opposition to the president?s plans above $4.5 million.

The ads are only set to run while the president vacations with his family on Martha?s Vineyard. The official added that the ads will run on New England Sports Network while the Boston Red Sox play a four-game series against the Chicago White Sox — the president?s favorite team.

Watch the full ad here:
