Posted tagged ‘Commander’

U.S. Commander in Afghanistan to Be Replaced

May 11, 2009

Raddatz ABC News’ Martha Raddatz reports: Defense Secretary Robert Gates plans to make an announcement this afternoon that Gen. David McKiernan, commander of NATO forces in Afghanistan, will be replaced by Lt. Gen. Stanley McChrystal, a former special operations commander. McChrystal, the director of the Joint Staff, is a three star but will soon be awarded a fourth star.

McKiernan has been in place only 11 months and will not move to another assignment. This change in command during a time of war is a large statement about Gate’s faith in McKiernan’s leadership. While Gen. George Casey was replaced in Iraq by Gen. David Petraeus in 2007, it was after two and a half years and Casey was then made chief of staff of the Army.

More to come after the secretary’s press conference.