Rep. Scott Garrett: ‘A Little Bit’ Concerned About GOP Unity on Budget

Rep. Scott Garrett: ‘A Little Bit’ Concerned About GOP Unity on Budget

ABC News’ Rick Klein reports:

Today on “Top Line,” we chatted with Rep. Scott Garrett, R-N.J., about President Obama’s budget, and about Thursday night’s vote in the House.

We pointed out that more Republicans voted against the GOP budget than the number of Democrats who voted against the Democratic budget — and asked if that concerned Garrett, who serves on the House Budget committee.

“A little bit, but I can understand exactly why some of those members voted against the Republican budget,” Garrett said. “You’re going to get some defections on it, and I think at the end of the day the reality is that everyone knew that all the budgets except for the Democrat budget was going to fail, and so people went to where they felt most — where they fit in best. So, I think some people were even more conservative than the Republican budget went there, and the liberals of course went all the way over to the progressive and the Democrat budget.”

Click here to watch our full interview with Rep. Scott Garrett, R-N.J.

Garrett questioned whether Democrats were serious about wanting bipartisanship with the budget.

“Despite all the rhetoric that the administration proclaimed at the beginning of this process of saying that they were going to work with us and what have you, I think the Republicans tried,” he said. “I know — I serve on the Budget Committee, and we tried.”

Also on the program, we talked with ABC’s George Stephanopoulos about President Obama’s trip to Europe — and about Gov. Sarah Palin’s political play in calling for a re-vote in the Alaska Senate race.

Click to here watch our full interview with ABC’s George Stephanopoulos.

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