Politics Live: Biting the Hand That Feeds You?

The California Assembly reached a budget deal in the 11th hour to address their gigantic $42 billion state deficit. Still, California Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger, and many other governors, are looking for a share of the new stimulus bill set aside for grants to the states to help them bridge their deficits.

But, several GOP governors are saying they don’t like the idea, including Gov. Rick Perry, R-Tex., Bobby Jindal, R-La. and Gov. Sarah Palin, R-Alaska.

What is going on? Does this have anything to do with a potential 2012 run for the White House? For more detail, tune into Thursday’s edition of Politics Live with ABC News’ Sam Donaldson, David Chalian and Politico’s National Politics Editor Charles Mahtesian.

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Politics Live: Consequences of the Confessional
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