Politics Live: Obama’s Legislative Victory

Not everyone is happy with the new stimulus bill, but it does appear to be a done deal. The big question is how many Republicans will vote for it? Both sides of Congress are poised to pass the bill by the president?s desired deadline — Monday.

The agreement was made possible by three Republican senators who broke ranks with their party position, Sen. Arlen Specter, R-Pa., Sen. Susan Collins, R-Maine and Sen. Olympia Snowe, R-Maine.

?I thought it was important to be part of a process which could yield a consensus based solution to achieving an approach at this most critical time in our nation?s history,? said Snowe during a press availability late Wednesday on Capitol Hill.

After hours of negotiations, the measure was trimmed from a high of $838 billion to $789 billion in a conference of House and Senate leaders.

Politics Live: Selling the Stimulus
Stimulus Deal-Makers Thanked in Radio Ads
Politics Live: Selling the Stimulus
Stimulus Deal-Makers Thanked in Radio Ads

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